
Is PR going to be just digital?

Public Relations is the 'popular kids' in society. They tell you what it is you should be reading, watching, eating, wearing, etc.. They put it on the commercials, billboards, stores, newspapers, magazines, and even through word of mouth. But, what if all of that is about to change. What if, the future of PR is doing press releases on their Twitter or posting the videos on their Facebook page? Welcome to the future of Public Relations.

Internet has made an huge impact on alot of things for the past decade, and PR being one of the highest. In an recent article done by Mashable  it goes  gets some quotes from some MAJOR PR people, and what are their opinons on this extremely huge social takeover.

One of the ones that really hit close to home with me was the quote from, David McCulloch from Cisco Systems.

“In the past couple of years, we’ve seen a marked shift in [the press release's] format to reflect the accelerating societal shift from mass consumption of media (“push” media) to personalized consumption or “pull” media. That’s a shift that has led Cisco to spend less time telling reporters and bloggers what it is we expect them to write, and more time helping them understand how what Cisco is doing might fit with their interests.
“…[I]t’s pretty clear where the press release will go next: It’s going to get shorter; link to more sources; be focused on simplification and explanation; and it’ll come in many more flavors. Practically speaking (assuming the SEC keeps pace with media evolutions), that means the press release of the future will deliver its content in text, video, SMS, microblog and podcast form, to any choice of device, whenever the reader decides, and preferably it will be pre-corroborated and openly rated by multiple trusted sources.”

What this means is that, press releases will be done online,and will be more short because the sources  can be given through links instead of reading them verbatim.

Another quote, really made you understand that, PR as a field of work is not going to change

Social media platforms will continue to evolve, but “A PR person’s job remains the same,” said Heather Whaling, founder and president of Geben Communication. “It’s critical that we’re innovative and staying on top of the latest and greatest; however, we also need to avoid ’shiny object syndrome’ and instead make recommendations based on the client’s business needs.”

I guess doing stuff online, makes it cheaper and more effective as well because you have more ways of reaching out to the audience and also, can do it up to the minute of the event. Instead of paying alot of money for an campaign, you can just tweet the hell out of the event and get people to come. Which is, in fact, free. Instead of getting people to come to a seminar, companies are now hosting Webinars, which is s used to conduct live meetings, training, or presentations via the Internet.This will let people come at their free will, whenever they want too, and it will all be saved if you want to see it again.

This topic of PR going digital is an extremely interesting topic and I will definitely keep you guys posted.

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