Every day the show comes on, this guy has once again something extremely ugly, tacky, and too damn big for him on. Let's not even mention that fact that is just doesn't match. His outfits are clearly a cry for help from his stylist. Who needs to be slapped just as well. There is a certain way a person his size should dress, ESPECIALLY being on TV and you can't really tell proportion-wise. Someone of his size should be wearing an fit jean (Maybe Levi 511's) with a nice fitted shirt and/or blazer. There shouldn't be any type of room because, it will only make him look boxier and his clothes to seem 'borrowed' and well, cheap. Cargo shorts should come to the knee, and his tailored shorts, should be an 12'' hem. Anything lower, will make him look more short, and bigger. You guys are used to seeing him in shit like this..

or this....

and let's not forget his 'preppy' look.
A) not want to watch the show
B) Go to New York, go back stage, and slap the shit out of his stylist
C) Scream aloud "JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL"
Maybe even all of the above. Now, the question is, where is Rocsi's stylist because Rocsi is always on point. I love her. Everyone always tries to knock her style, but girl always got a bad shoe, and a basic fit, with much needed accesories, which always builds upon an outfit. Terrence wears a watch (G-Shock if you're lucky) and calls it a day. If I had a chance to be his stylist I would so get him together, because I know all of my fellow FASHIONISTO'S and SATORIALISTS are just shaking their heads when they see this foolery pop upon the screen. I just don't understand. It seems like to me, he's trying his hardest to be hip. But instead of trying to conform to the pop teen fashion scene, he should start setting trends and letting these young fellas know that it's okay to raise the hem on your shorts, put on bracelets and necklaces, and actually wear a bowtie and/or fitted blazer and not go out. 106 and Park is one of the main influences on the teenagers of today, and well, whether you want to hear it or not, FASHION is one of the most important factors that is taken from the show when watching. I'm not saying EVERYTHING he wears is bad, because actually sometimes when he's hosting an event and actually puts on a suit, with dress shoes (and not some random ass colored nikes) he looks decent and like he has had some satorial sessions. But, when going to work, he needs to opt for a different look. Maybe for the 2011 I suppose..
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