
Love, Hate.

Me and school have a love hate kind if thing. It loves to stress me out, and I hate it. Every week, I don't really dread going to school, but it really aggaravates me to the point where I start to have headaches. Now don't get me wrong, I love learning. But I'm starting to learn some things as I get older. To some, school is their LIFE. They feel as though every single minute should be dedicated to school. Me however, I feel as though school is just an accessory to the outfit of my life. Click on to see what I mean.
Basically, what I'm saying is that. School isn't really the top thing on my mind. IF it was I would be completely different than I am now. I wouldn't really have a social life, and I would be so out of touch with the real world. I'm perfectly fine with my slightly above average grades. I don't strive for a 4.0 because honestly, that will stress me out. I know I can't acheive an 4.0 (especially with the school that I attend). I am an REALIST. Some may think that I am beating myself up, and having a low self esteem but I'm not. I'm just keeping it 101%. I'm never going to be the top in my class, or top 5 for that matter, and I am perfectly fine. What I lack in book smarts is what I make up in street  smarts. Which is, sometimes better than book education. A book can only teach you so much. But experience and the real world  can teach you so much more. I smile at the fact that I know how to handle myself in a situation, and not knowing a periodic table.

You want to know something funny. The people who have the Science degrees, and the big time scientists, are the dumbest ones. First let me tell you that an degree is a certificate to make you feel as though you're superior to others who don't have one, and that you survived hard ass courses. It doesn't guarantee that the person retained the information, it just shows that they DID it. They EXPERIENCED it. Unfortunately, in our society, we need an degree to actually become successful. So, college is much of an requirement for most.

Now back to my Scientist comparison. If you set an scientist in an party, and his TEST is to socialize with everyone in the room, he will get an big F Simply because, when they were studying all of these molecules, they forgot to study the REAL world. They forgot to memorize the proper way of walking up to a woman and introducing themselves. Most of the men, or women that are highly esteemed with their doctorates, and PhD's are single or in a struggling relationship because they are ARROGANT. They feel as though no one is worthy enough of their time or affection because they are intelligent and other people aren't.  This angers me to altitudes where you cannot understand. At times, I'm not the most humble person, but that's because I know that I work hard for everything I have, so why not boast about it. HOWEVER, I l know my limits. And with being a show off and arrogant person, you have to know your limits. IF you're not P. Diddy or Jay-z, that shit ain't cute. You have to get your nose out of your ass in order to attain relationships.

"It is always the secure who are humble.  ~Gilbert Keith Chesterton"

To conclude this post, let me just reiterate the fact that, school should not be your #1 priority. DON'T go and say that I'm telling you to just blow it off. But understand that,  the most successful are those who learn to balance out their priorities. Your math homework, cannot make you laugh. Your Science notebook cannot keep you warm at night. You can't cook for your English book. Let this be an inspiration for you to go into the real world and start to live and socialize!  It's not what you know, it's who you know. 

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