
"How do you become popular?"

This was an question that someone emailed me on Facebook to ask me. At first, alot of things came through my head
  • What exactly is considered alot of friends?
  • Does having alot of friends make someone feel better, or superior to people who don't have as many?
  • Does he view me as an popular person?
  • Is befriending people an way of dealing with a very tough situation someone is going through?
 These are all questions that sparked my curiosity, into answering this question. I told him to refer to this post as an answer. click to view anwser

Becoming 'popular' isn't something that you work to attain. It's sort've an natural process, like puberty. The world is full of fake people #letsfaceit. With that being said, it's really hard to find real, genuine people who you can actually call an 'friend'. Now I'm not saying that their is not an vast amount of real people in the world, however, they are the type of people that are more lowkey, because they feel as though, they shouldn't make a scene. The 'popular' people in this society are people who put themselves out there. They are the ones that you see constantly causing chaos on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites. They are the ones that go to a place and do things to be seen, instead of going to have an great time. It is their duty to go to a place and make sure they're the most obnoxious ones. Basically, popular people are the loud ones. I can give you all of this information because that used to be me.

Before, I finally grew up and realized that some things isn't an good look for an growing young adult, I was an out there person. I felt as though, I needed to go out to be seen. And people loved it. I am still an popular person, however, people appreciate me more for my inspiration and the fact that I'm in the process of getting my shit together, or in other words BUILDING MY BRAND. Some people have called me becoming fake, and even boogie. I know my worth, and what I deserve. Enough said. 

The people who are actually genuine people, who can care less about what others think about them, are the ones that are looked over, because we as an society love the people who are always into drama. We love it. (We including me). The people who actually are nice people, are the ones that need to be popular. Popular people are the ones that are constantly mimicked, and that what creates people who replicate these people who are living life for other people and not themselves. In other words, for all the WRONG reasons. When you have an positive person as your role model, you will learn that, the most important people, have the most respect for the people who are working towards bettering themselves for themselves. I don't think you caught that. 

When you have an positive person as your role model, you will learn that, the most important people, have the most respect for the people who are working towards bettering themselves for themselves.

There is no need for me to elaborate on that quote from ME, (if you want to quote) because it's self explanatory. As my idol Andre Leon Talley would say "It's an famine of beauty". This is true in so many ways. The way that I want to touch base on is the fact that there's a famine of the beauty withing oneself. There's a lack of creativity and diversity of the people. People will hang on to one trend or anything because they seen a celebrity doing it, or everyone in their neightborhood is wearing, or going by that trend. As I've become older, I've started to respect the people most, who are individuals. Who may not be the nicest, smartest, or perfect person. But they are THEM. And they don't try to act like they are. If they aren't then they let that become an characteristic of them and not an flaw. I could give you a couple just off the top, but then people will start to get picky.

To conclude, and anwser this question, there is no exact plan to become 'popular'. Popularity is an trait that is considered different for different people. For majority, it is to be obnoxious, loud, and controversial. But for the very few many, it is to be genuine, be you. Being real and you is the only thing that you can give ANYONE no matter how they view the term 'popular'.

Love and Light

Justin Alvis

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