
Just a glimpse

This is just a glimpse of what would be my Fashions Night Out list IF I was getting on a freaking plane and going. :/

If you guys aren't familiar with what Fashions Night Out is, it's basically a night where clothing stores across NYC open late at night and you SHOP YOUR ASS OFF. If you're a shopper then, this is like heaven for you. You get drinks, foods, all while you SHOP. Let's not mention the fact that it's sooo many sales!!! It's ridiculous. In addition to shopping, there are auctions held, and ASOS.com the online store is having a block party as well. This is a night where you relish in the moment, and put that little plastic magic card to work. Wanna know the best part? When you spend money, you're helping the business of fashion. So it's shopping with a cause, which is basically everything I'm about. Hence my post on the Fashion against aids campaign with H&M before summer. *SIGH* One day I'll be in NYC, running the town.

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