
Are women the only people worried about the perfect body?

*Note* This post will be a very touchy subject and I really hope that no one feels offended and I will try to make it as general as possible

Whilst doing my daily internet browsing, I came across this blog post from a blog I will remain anonymous and she discussed how she became conscious of her weight by the age of 7. She then went on to explain how only women think of this type of stuff, and are self conscious about their weight. Men, don't have a care in the world. Now while this isn't the first time I heard this, this actually is something that really bugs me.

This bugs me because men, too can have anorexia, and men too, have obesity problems where they actually try to starve themselves. I know this because I was/am having this problem.

Now don't get in a bunch because I don't starve myself, I simply watch what I eat.I watch my intakes and conscious of what I eat, simply because I'm not the smallest boy in the world and I'm not the most athletic. I just feel as though I'm really unhappy about my body and I think that when people see me, they just see a fat slob. This is just something personal I feel about myself and it's nothing to fret over because I will never have anorexia or starve myself into a hospital.

My intention of writing this post was to HIGHLIGHT the fact that men sometimes are self conscious about their appearance and I KNOW I will raise some eyebrows and have some people shook because they feel as though I'm calling them out. But I don't care, this is something I feel as though needs to be discussed. The intention was to break the stereotype that men aren't superficial.

My bouts of self esteem arise when I see male models, or the skinny men in Fashion and how everyone is 'sample' size. I get a little envious of how they can just go into a store and get their size with no problems, they don't have to worry about the fit because nothing is to small for them. Their shirts and jeans are perfect. They are the designers dream. But then when a big person comes into the store they take numerous pairs to the fitting room and see which one do they look better in just so they won't have to be embarrased in public as being a 'fat ass' or anything of that nature. Now, let me say first and foremost, I'm one of the most influential people in Cleveland among the Teen Fashion Scene. I can kill something serious with my dressing, however, I have to be 10x as on it, because well big boys can't just throw something on. It takes skill.Skill, that I have acquired by trials of going into stores to be disappointed, to the point where, my primary shopping basis, is right here online. Whenever I think about my move to Atlanta to go to Morehouse, I see how everyone there is skinny and perfect, they can dress and well, they don't have to worry about the calories in a meal. I worry about how I'm going to get there and fall to the side  because of my weight.. But once again, I tell you guys, I have the confidence of Kanye, I just sometimes have these bouts of low self esteem and I sometimes just say to myself that I know I'm never going to be perfect to someones standards.

To conclude this post I just want to say this: Just because you're a male doesn't mean that you're supposed to not care about your appearance and it's okay for you to be fat. Women, don't think that men are just beasts who eat and not worry about the consequences, because we do, and we sometimes have issues with our weight as well. We see the male models and celebrities and long for having the 'beach' body. it's not just Women, NOT JUST WOMEN DAMNIT.

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